J.S. Institute goes places …………………For quite some years we have been receiving requests from aspirants, our alumni and our well-wishers that we conduct programmes at Hyderabad, Chennai, Kerala, Aurangabad, Nagpur, Pune, New Delhi, Kolkata etc. For the first time we conducted programmes for MMIII, MMII, TO/JMG, Assessment Tests for POs/TOs at Thiruvananthapuram during Dec’18/ Jan’19. The programmes have been very well appreciated. Extracts of the comments of participants are given below.
The programmes at Thiruvananthapuram were conducted at the initiative of SBI Officers Association, Kerala. The programmes were conducted in the TRABOES Administrative Building at Thiruvananthapuram. The leaders managing these were very helpful and efficient resulting in a productive combination for learning and success. 220+ participants were benefitted in all. For the 2020 exams, we intend to conduct programmes additionally at Hyderabad, Pune and Chennai. More centres will be included as we progress. The programmes will enable aspirants understand banking holistically and will be conducted in time to help them prepare well for the exams and achieve success. |
The Dean, Mr. Paramasivam, elaborating a point. Mr. Chandrasekara, faculty, at the class. Mr. Selvaraju, senior faculty, engaging the participants. The participants at the valedictory session. |
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